Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Vacation, Day 5!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
(Day 3 at Disneyland, and Sydney's 13th Birthday!)

Syd's GOOD birthday stuff was at home in her bedroom.  But we did bring a few things with us so she'd have some little gifts to open.

(Just wanted to tell you that Michael (I'm sure Heather started it!) called his hat "Hat-Hat" the whole trip, because his hat is wearing a hat!

We followed Rhoda's advice, and as soon as we got to Disneyland we went to the City Hall building and got my Teenager a Birthday badge.  Then they gave the rest of us "I'm Celebrating!" badges to wear.  This was me, helping her be excited.  (She was totally playing it cool...for like 5 minutes!)

The kids sitting in the FAKE teacup...
(Syd wearing the "It's My Birthday" ears we bought her!)

Sydney, Megan, and Heather in the REAL teacup!

Tory and Spencer...

We tried to get in line to see Jack and Sally, but we were told the line was closed.  Tory was super mad..."How is a line closed?"

And true to birthday magic, we saw Sydney's favorite princess on her birthday!

From our position in line, we were laughing at the boys.  They did NOT want to see Cinderella!  Here they are waiting for us across the moat...

Here they are waiting for us across the moat...Closer up.

Heather said, "But what if you want a picture with JUST Cinderella...?"
That Fairy Godmother just pops right in there!

Two of the cutest little troublemakers ever!

(Most of) My kids with Aladdin!

My kids made Heather take a picture with Aladdin...Then teased her the rest of the week about how that was her true love...sigh...!

Yay, Goofy!

1 comment:

Rhoda said...

Sweet! We never saw any princesses, besides in the parade. The only ones out signing autographs were all the bad guys!!!