Thursday, October 27, 2011

Da News...

*My phone just sent me a message reminding me that my daughter's birthday is in 6 days.  Whew...Lucky I got THAT reminder!  (Right...As if I could forget that in SIX DAYS my little baby girl is a TEENAGER!)

*We get to leave for Vacation in just two days!  This trip has quite a few firsts for us:  1) Spending more days at Disneyland than we ever have before when we've gone! 2) Touring the USS Midway...Should be cool to walk through the aircraft carrier!  and 3) All my kids are old enough that I don't need a stroller!  (But I haven't figured out where I'm going to put all the "crap" I need to carry!)

*Sometime tonight, or tomorrow, I'm going to have to put my kids into their Halloween costumes so I can take pictures of them...We will be out of town, so their whole Trick-or-Treat experience was the ward party last week...We had them all dressed up, but I forgot to take pictures.  I get a re-do!  (Seems like I need a LOT of's!)

*Lee and I decided that with the long list of things we needed to so to get ready for our vacation, we should probably spend some of the weekend, well; NOT working on the list!  :D  We spend the better part of our free time working on getting some wood trim hung in some of the kids bedrooms and then painting those rooms.  (I've only had the paint for about 14 months...Is that bad?)  It's not quite done, but close.  I'll post pictures.  Sydney's room, in particular, turned out SO cute!  I'm pretty excited!

*I cannot believe it is almost the end of the year already!  How did this whole year just FLY right by???  CRAZY!


Anonymous said...

You are getting old!!

Kelly Jean said...

Seriously -- this year has flown by!! Such fun things coming up -- have a blast in Disneyland! Can't believe Sydney's going to be a teenager!!!

Katy said...

Post some pictures!!!! I want to see your fine painting job! Have a great time in Disneyland and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYDNEY!!!!!