Friday, October 14, 2011

A First For Me...

This week Tory's Lacrosse team had a party at Classic Skating.  I decided (since it was $2 Tuesday!) that I'd take the other kids, too.  Aside from the fact that this mean mom didn't feed her kids before they went, OR buy them any food at Classic, we still had a good time.  (And don't get all "judge-y"...I bought them food on the way home, okay?  Sheesh.)  

And me?  I'm always up for skating.  We skaters all rented regular skates this time instead of blades, and guess what?  They're a little trickier than I remember!  I ended up scooting around the rink like a 7-year-old.  (Which was actually pretty okay, since I was skating with Spencer, an ACTUAL 7-year-old.)

Anyway, the "first" I wanted to tell you about was watching one of my kids get "asked out" for the first time.  I've watched cute little boys flirt with Sydney before, and even made our way through the elementary boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but this was different!

We were getting ready to leave Classic...Megan, Michael, and Spencer were "playing" the video games (I didn't actually give them money...See?  I AM mean!) while we waited for Tory to say goodbye to his team.  Michael and Spencer were on the motorcycle game, rocking back and forth, and Megan was sitting in a race car game...When this kid sauntered up (I'm saying sauntered...but he may have rolled.  He was probably wearing skates of some kind...!) and leaned against the side of the machine Megan was sitting in.  He smiles at her, and asks "Are you going to be here for the Snowball?"  (For those of you who don't know what that is, at a set time, they play a song...the Snowball...where they tell you to skate holding hands with someone...)

Megan, without looking up at him, just answers, "No."

And he left.

I did it!  I taught her to "Just say no."

And I, the proud mother, just smiled quietly to myself.  Oh...And texted Dad to tell him about it!  :D


Kelly Jean said...

Haha :) :) Atta Tiff! Way to teach your kids to say NO! :)

SNOWBALL!!! Goodness, I used to LOVE going to Classic Skating back in the day... holding hands with boys and skating around!? Felt like I was in Saved by the Bell or something ;)

And I KNOW -- rollerskating is way harder than rollerblading! I don't know how those kids do it.

Anonymous said...

Not just no but NOOOOO. per Grandpa

Steph H said...

I love you. I love the way you tell stories. Getting judge-y, skating like a seven year old, with an ACTUAL seven year old. I laughed through the whole thing. Go Megan!