Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pajama Day...

It should not be that hard to stay in your pajamas all day!

I got the cutest ever Pajamas for Mother's Day, and decided that since today I had nowhere to go I was going to revel in their comfort all day long. I took the kids to my jammies! (Then, while I was out, I remembered that Lee had called in a prescription refill to the WalGreens...So in sticking with my "comfy all day" plan, I may or may not have driven through their drive thru in said pajamas...! (Don't judge me...Only the pants REALLY look like jammas!)) Then I came home, and realized I needed to run to the store...No drive thru there...So I got dressed and headed out. (It was a WalMart...I probably could have pulled it off...! But come on, I've got SOME pride...)

Then I came home, determined as ever to lounge...Well, do some laundry...but VERY comfortably! But before sitting down to watch last night's American Idol (final 3...Yay!) episode I went to put the dinner together (Chicken Heavenly...Yum...It is aptly named!) and put it in the oven, but noticed I don't have any sour cream. Bah! Now I need to go put on REAL clothes again and go back to the store...But this is the last time. If I find myself needing to go out again, I'm just going to throw some rollers in my hair

(to complete the Pa-"glam"-a look!)

and make a run for it.

Sheesh. Pajama Day is really hard work!


Rhoda said...

Haha---I think we need a picture of said
pa-"glam"-a's to go along with this post! Yup, I totally would have (and have done) gone to the store styling my pj's. Although mine don't really look like Pj'! Hahaha.

Kelly Jean said...

Haha, ooooh, sounds delightful (except for the having-to-change-into-REAL-clothes part[s])... I want to join! Next time you should just wear those jeans-looking pajamas, then you can fake people out if you have to go to the store! ;)