Thursday, June 9, 2011


Shameful! How could I let 3 weeks go by without blogging?!

I'd blame it on how busy I am, but...

Okay, but seriously...My little brother left on his mission! He's in the MTC, and in his first letter home, he said it was like Disneyland! (I'm not sure if he's talking about the same Disneyland that I love, but I may beg to differ...) But I am so excited to hear about HIS excitement! And also, some of my kids have already written letters to Cody...Now I can send our first letter. (I'm trying to send something every week...should be do-able, considering there are 7 of us in this house!) Thanks heavens for! Genius!

Sydney has been arranging trips to the temple to do baptism once a week. She and a few of her friends have been going, as part of a personal progress goal, for 3 weeks now. I'm proud of her for taking the initiative to set a goal, and make all the arrangements to keep it. Awesome. She's a pretty special kiddo!

Spencer lost another tooth...Too bad the adult tooth to replace the FIRST tooth almost takes up the entire TWO tooth space...Sorry for the Giant Crabb Tooth Gene!

We're nearing the end of soccer...Spencer and Michael have both been playing this season. Michael is on a team of preschoolers...He's 5 1/2, so he may be the biggest (or one of the biggest!) kid on the team. He is not afraid of the ball. At all. And for the first couple of games it didn't matter WHO had the ball, he would take it and run for the goal. Then we explained that maybe the kids whose shirts were the SAME as his could have a turn with the ball...And now at least he doesn't steal the ball from his own team! :D He is their best scorer, and fun to watch! Spencer has an awesome kick! That ball just flies down the field. He jokes with his friend Tommy, a school friend on his team, while they are out on the field. He's played goalie, and had a truly awesome save where he fell down on his side, arms extended above his head and blocked the ball. Classic. We've enjoyed the games...But not the weather! (Does anyone else feel sad that spring forgot to come?!)

Yesterday Sydney went to swim at her friend's house (yeah, in a REAL pool...!) and so the rest of the kids busted out their swimming suits and squirt guns and raided the back yard. They had fun...But it seemed to cool off pretty fast! It was a win/win...the back yard really needed a little extra water. (Which is crazy, what with all the RAIN we've had...?!)

We've been off track for a couple of weeks now...Just two more days left and we head back for a grueling 14 days before summer! And there is a lot more summer to look forward to, since we are on a traditional schedule next year and that gains us the month of August, too! Yay!

So now you sad people that felt so in the dark (there might be one...), you are pretty much up to date on my "super exciting" days! I'll try and scare up some soccer pictures...that would be fun...!


Kelly Jean said...

Excellent update! Sounds so busy & fun over there :) I love that Cody said the MTC was like Disneyland, haha.

And I think the "big teeth" might be a McPhie thing we all have (or at least I do..)! But y'know... that just means we get to bite into things (like steak) easier.. right? ;)

Steph H said...

Love the update! Your family's always doing such fun things. I went to the dentist the other day and he said, "Yours are the kind of teeth I like-- nice and big, not little and tiny." So at least we can be grateful that dentists like our big bucky teeth the best...