Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fort Herriman Days!

We gathered (conveniently, right at the bottom of our street!) to watch the very exciting Fort Herriman Days Parade Saturday morning, 9:00 am sharp!

Here are my kids...Getting too big for their britches, every single one of them!

(Sydney-12, Megan-10, Spencer-7, Michael-5, and Tory-9)

The fine trick-ridin' police officers of our fair city...They rode single file right past all the kids so everyone could "High Five" them as they passed!

Luke, so well behaved in public. (You saw his head in the soccer pictures from yesterday, too.) We never had a dog we could actually bring places...well, without them barking and straining at the leash every time the saw another dog...or even a person...moving!

Ooh...Fancy...Herriman's royalty!

This entry was funny...Just some random patriotic citizen, decided to enter and walk between two floats...Dressed as an Eagle!

Giant cowboy boots...Just because...

Lee and I had looked at the parade route the night before to make sure it was still going to go past us at the end of our street. That route also showed where the parade entries were supposed to show up to wait...and it said there were entries numbered up to at least 60...!

So we started laughing when we realized EVERY organization at Herriman High School put an entry in! There was a Lacrosse float, a Football float, a Drill Team float, the Marching Band, the Cheerleaders...On, and ON...And good for them! The parade would have been a downer without them!

Down side...? Sitting at the end of the parade. 'Cause everyone was totally out of candy! But all in all, good time had by all!


Anonymous said...

What the cuss, Tiff?? Why didn't you invite your least favorite cousin to this. My friends and I are trying to go to all of the "days" around the state this summer. I guess this is one we missed. Next year! Looks like you had fun!!

Steph H said...

Hooray for parades-- that means SUMMER is really here! Funny that every group at the high school entered. You gotta love the random stuff that ends up in parades (my favorite is still an 18-wheeler diesel truck... really? we couldn't think of ANYTHING prettier to look at then a semi? At least the random eagle was dressed up in a costume :)