Friday, May 13, 2011

Something to Chuckle About!

I came across this hilarious video (Thanks to Sydney...She's always trying to look up new things on youtube, but silly me, I insist on parental guidance...) and haven't been able to quit giggling! :D This will link you to the first one, but if you've got the time, watch the other 3...Worth your time, I'd say!

They are clever, creative, and...well, FUNNY!

(Please watch...I can feel myself quoting already. The jokes just aren't as funny if I'm the only one who gets them!)


Kelly Jean said...

Ahhhahahaha!!! Oh my gosh, Tiff. THANK YOU for introducing that into my life!!! Haha! SO FUNNY! I think #2 and #4 are my favorites... facT. ;)

Rhoda said...

These are a family favorite...I thought everyone knew about these! Although, we did showed Cody a few months ago. My kids quote these all the time, they will love that their cousins can do it too!

Anonymous said...

Pretth danged funny!!! I had seen the first one before, but not #4...Funny and oh so accurate of a drive in the car with kids.