Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family Vacation, Day 6!

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 4 of Disneyland!



My cute hubby! 

We had lunch at the little western cookout place inside Disneyland.  They called all the kids up to help sing Davy Crockett.  MOST of my kids were nice enough to stand together for this.  Tory, however, picked the OTHER side of the stage!

See?  You can see Sydney, Megan, Spencer, and "Hat-Hat".

And there in the back on the left you can see Tory...

The one thing Michael wanted to do every time we passed it was to go into the Wilderness Explorer Camp (From "Up") and earn his badge.  We put it off for a few days, but today we finally caved!

The had different stations where you had to do different things (rope climbing, watching for different animal foot prints, swing on a tire swing, etc.) and when you finished them all you would head to the ceremony where they'd make you Wilderness Explorers!

Here's Russell! 

So now we're officially Wilderness Explorers!  Go us.

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