Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family Vacation, Day 8-9

Saturday, November 5-Sunday, November 6, 2011

We left California Saturday morning, but decided to stay the night in Vegas before heading home on Sunday.  The weather was a little better, but still chilly.  But the pool in Vegas was warm, and the kids LOVED the pool.  Heather and I sat in chairs with towels over us as blankets and watched them.  We just lounged...after a week of "Go, go, go"-ing, it was a nice change.  We ate dinner at Marie Calendar's where Spencer only wanted cornbread if there wasn't corn in it.  (What?)  We left Sunday morning, and headed home, and that was the end of that.  An uneventful drive (Good news!) except that if I hadn't followed Megan into the same rest stop bathroom stall after she was done, someone would have gotten a brand new iPod Touch in there after us!  (Oh, she'd have been SO sad...!)