Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Any takers?

So I'm supposed to teach the RS lesson in my ward on Sunday...Anyone want to do it for me?



Kelly Jean said...

I love your new background!!! Looks fabulous.

And please, Tiff, I don't think anyone could do justice to your teaching skills. The RS Sisters would probably throw tomatoes at anyone else who tried to teach.

Rhoda said...

Sure I'll take your 25-30 minute lesson once a month...but it'd have to be a straight across trade! You teach Den Meetings to 9 wild boys for an HOUR in your home (hopefully they don't ride a scooter through your flower beds..."but I didn't hurt the flowers!" Grrr!!) every Wednesday and then spend Two hours in the nursery on Sunday...oh you're also in charge of the 15 minute singing time and washing all the nursery cups. (Haha, I'm free!!!) Better send me the lesson plans so I can prep! ☺ Although, honestly Tiff, from what I've seen, you do a great job! No worries!