Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Today Sydney had a routine check up at the orthodontist. We don't start school until 9:00, so I usually try for the 8:00 appointment, because most of the time we finish in time to get everyone to school on time...or close to on time!

We were waiting to be seated in the chairs, and one of the assistants was talking with Sydney. (They apparantly have a mutual friend...HER (Aubrey) family is good friends with Syd's friend Ryan's family.) Aubrey was explaining that next time Ryan goes to have HER braces checked, they are going to do a laser treatment to her gums. (I guess it's something they do if your adult teeth aren't growing in fast enough?)

So we went to her chair, and after initial wire removal, the doctor came over to look at her mouth. The proceeds to ask me if we're in a hurry, 'cause he'd like to cut away her gums with a laser! (WHAT?!) Now that he's said it out loud, I feel like we kind of have to do it, or Sydney will be in a panic by the time our next appointment rolls around. Okay...sure. Do what you gotta do.

They numb her mouth. She's got three teeth that are growing down, they just can't seem to break through the gums. The doctor used that laser, and seriously cut a little circle through the outside of the gums where each of those teeth are. Here's the part I was unprepared for...They glued little brackets in each of those holes, and hooked them to her braces. Apparantly, those teeth are coming down whether they want to or not!

She was a trouper! The first one, no problem; the second one, the tears are just weeping from the corner of her eyes...I was holding her hand, ready to knock that stinking laser out of his hand if she needed me to...It's sort of like taking your babies in for shots and letting them get stabbed. They just look at you like you betrayed them...I'm always so sad! But she is tough. And after the fact, was pretty excited to show off the new holes to her siblings.

She REALLY can't wait to show dad. She can't wait to see his "heebie-dance" when looks at her holey gums!


Rhoda said...

really? that sounds just awful! Brilliant, but awful!

Kelly Jean said...

Ahh, poor girl! Glad she's strong. Now I feel bad for complaining about my night guard!

Kendra said...

That's what they did to me when I had braces....I was put out though. Poor Syd!