Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thanksgiving Day started out peacefully in our home! We slept in and relaxed for the first half of the day, then got ready to head over to Grandma Crabb's house. Lee and I have yet to actually cook a Thanksgiving Dinner...well, at least ON Thanksgiving! (We usually buy and whip up a turkey dinner during the week after...I think we both miss leftovers!) We've been married 13 years, and love being close enough to our families to take turns seeing them every other year. Despite the differences (Lee can't believe my mom puts the giblets into the gravy!...And Thanksgiving without his mom's pie?!) it's a great day no matter where we are!
We started out at Grandma's with some sledding! Cody had spent part of the day before building a fort with his friend. The kids were so excited to check it out! Also, Jen convinced Grandma to buy something they kept calling "Butt Shovels"...They used them as sleds, but they looked like giant shoe horns to me!
Please enjoy the following photos of children careening down Grandma's very steep, icy driveway:

So while Cody and the kids (he was such a trouper, hanging in there in the freezing cold so he could keep playing with the kids!) were outside, there was cooking going on. I'm not really sure how it started, but it is Lee's job every year to "scuplt" the mashed potatoes. This year he did one better:

He added food coloring. :D I sure love this funny guy!
He tried leaving off the Jack-O-Lantern face (what is this, Halloween?) but mom was pretty persistant, and he finally cracked. Nevermind the laughing about how mom bought a Sam's Club sized bag of potatoes and Jen and Cody peeled them ALL...and the jokes about how we'll probably be eating THESE potatoes until NEXT Thanksgiving! Hee-Hee...Good times!

All in all, it was a fantastic day well spent. I love hanging with our family and refilling my laugh-gauge. I am so thankful for LOVE, for LAUGHTER, for MESSY KID FINGER-PRINTS on shirts, for the MOMENTS, and the MEMORIES!
Hope you enjoyed yours as much as I did mine! :D
So at the end of the day, I leave you with this photo. It's just a little something Cody calls "Dinosaur Tongue", and the picture doesn't do it justice. He is somehow able to cause his tongue to SWELL until it fills his entire mouth. It is both disgusting and inspiring all at the same time. I'm reduced to a puddle of giggle-goo when he does it...It's just so crazy!


Kelly Jean said...

Haha, that picture of Cody :) Ah, I sure love the Crabb family (which includes the McAlisters, obviously :))!!

Rhoda said...

Looks like a great time! Sad to have to missed it! We do "thanksgiving dinner" in between thanksgiving and Christmas...we also like left overs!