Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So at the risk of sounding redundant, I had to color my hair last week. (Although just saying I did it isn't the redundant part...The part that comes next is.)

Last Wednesday was a Grandparent's Day Open House at the school. Grandpa McAlister met us there, and we spent some time going from class to class. They had a little photo sitting set up, so you could get a picture with your grandparent. We made that our first stop. I was standing off to the side, holding 37 coats (or maybe just 5...whatever...) while the kids posed with Grandpa. Behind us, another lady had come in and was waiting with her granddaughter.

She tells me "Go on and get in the picture with your husband!"


I just ignore her. She was viewing me at a profile, and from the "gray" side...

But she said something again about how lucky I am to have all the grand kids at the same school.


I went and got my hair cut, and when Lee came home he looked at me and said, "Why didn't you color it?" Um...'Cause it's kinda expensive! So he sent me to Smiths to buy a color kit so he could do it himself. It turned out great...I love it!

Thanks again, honey!


Rhoda said...

We were just talking about gray hair this weekend. I had a tramatic moment when I found a gray hair on my fingers....although after freaking out a bit I looked at it and realized it was a LOT longer than my hair...darn Grandma! I am the only Sedgwick sibling without gray hair...we had to look closely to verify it though! knock on wood.

I don't understand why people mistake you for being that look pretty darn young.

Kelly Jean said...

Your hair DOES look great!!! What a sweet husband to color it for you :) You're so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

It's really not your fault. You can't help it if
Grandpa looks so young for his age!! Love, Dad
Now thats funny

Tiffany McAlister said...

Oh, man...Dad: That IS funny! :D