Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Secret Sister...

Sydney was given the assignment on her first Sunday in Young Women of coming up with a person she admired/wanted to serve in our ward, and then delivering a treat or a note to her secret sister.

In true McAlister form (Lee aside...But hey, I'm trying to work on it!), she sort of forgot about it until this week...when all of a sudden she was in a panic to complete her assignment! So Sydney announces to me that she needs to make cookies for her secret sister. I sort of groaned at the thought...thinking I have tons of other stuff I need to do...and then I remembered we had "Krusteaz Sugar Cookie Mix" in the pantry. Add butter and an egg...I think she can manage!

So my 12 year old has now completed her first complete dish on her own! I was in the kitchen while she worked, and I answered a couple of questions, but she made them herself!

Woo-hoo! Now if I can just get her to figure out main dishes, I'll have found myself a new chef!

1 comment:

Kelly Jean said...

Ohhh, Secret Sisters! Ha! I totally forgot about those. That's fun!!