Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We went to the library today.

Is it a bad thing when you go to the library, and your 5 kids check out a total of 5 books, but a total of 12 movies? (And that was after I made them each pare their stack of DVD's down from 6 or 7 to 3 each!!)

Just wondering...


Rhoda said...

You are nice! I let them pick out one book and one DVD...that times 4 kids is all I can do to keep track of them all so none go missing in 5 days. Although we still end up loosing a few and end up having to renew them so we have time to track them down! Library days are one of my kids favorite days!

Kelly Jean said...

Haha. Nah... you can learn just as much from movies - believe me. I quote movies like my job. The Watergate? Oh sure, I know what that is - Thank you, Forrest Gump. :)

Steph H said...

Ha ha. At least you take them to the library, right?