Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to School...

I sent the kids back to school yesterday, after about a MONTH of being off. We had a lot of lazy days, and had a lot of fun. I'd post pictures, but we didn't really DO anything...just hung out. There was some coloring, lots of basketball and bike riding, and some board games. They went back to school yesterday, but I had my cute nieces yesterday...still a full house! But today is the first day where the house feels empty. Michael is here, but he wanted to play on the computer, and then we played with the Thomas the Train set. He's just off doing his thing all day. And I'm kinda missin' the chaos...


But it'll probably pass, right? (Now where did I leave that book I was reading before they went off track...?)

1 comment:

Rhoda said...

Hahaha..its true though. I love my kids, I love spending time with them and I do miss them when they are gone. But I also love ME time...which I get so very little of! It's a constant battle. Any good book recommendations?