Friday, March 25, 2011


Funny stuff...When your 5-year-old says, "I want to watch kids shows...But not PBS kids. I want the channel that has Tom and Jerry."

I don't know why, but it delights me to no end to watch my kids enjoy things that I enjoyed when I was little. Maybe it's because the cartoons they air today are lacking some of the fun and creativity that I loved about my childhood...The Smurfs, The Snorks, Gummie Bears, Jem, Care Bears, and even My Little Pony. Frankly, they were leaps and bounds more fun than "today's" cartoons.

So yes, my children. Watch Tom try and try to beat that Jerry, over and over. Watch him turn his little cat face into a mousehole shape, or a frying pan shape, and laugh because that's what it was made for! :D

(And scootch over...Mommy wants to watch with you!)


Kelly Jean said...

Seriously - it's like when the "Bratz" dolls became the new barbie. No thanks, we'll stick with the original ;)

Steph H said...

AMEN!! Hooray for cable and syndication, right?