Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who Knew?

Who knew there was really a flaw to my dog ringing a bell to be let outside?

Yesterday it was nap time. I put Michael down for a nap, and was puttering around cleaning up the kitchen, when I heard the bell ring. I grab the leash and take Luke outside, then stood patiently watching him take care of business.

I opened the door to come back in the house and what do I see? Michael, running full force from the kitchen to the stairs in a desperate attempt to make it back to his room before I came inside.

And why was he in the kitchen you ask? Apparently, the ringing of the bell signals the child to wait inside the bedroom door until he hears me close the front door behind me. Then he BOLTS down the stairs into the pantry, grabs a snack (Yesterday's score?...A Twinkie.), and tries to BOLT back to his room before I can catch him.

Busted. Nice try, bucko.

Boy, that Twinkie was good.


Rhoda said...

He's no dummy!

Kendra said...

What a turd....Spencer has taught him well!