Friday, January 28, 2011

All That Jazz...

Wednesday night our awesome Uncle Ryan hooked Lee and Spencer up with some Soo-weet Jazz tickets! (Lee and Tory have gone a few times, and Spencer has been telling us that next time it's HIS turn!) They had a table for 4 (Ryan took Emma!) and they got to eat a big yummy dinner before the game, and then they got to back down to the table at half time for a dessert spread!
Here is a picture of Spencer from their seats...Row 15!...Lee was pretty excited about that!

The game was a good one to watch! In the end, the Spurs beat the Jazz, but the real winner was Spencer! He came home wearing his "Williams" jersey...In a little bit of a cotton candy sugar rush!...and had a GREAT story for show and tell this week!
Thanks for thinking of them, Ryan...They had a blast!


Kelly Jean said...

Oh, so fun!! I love Jazz Games! And cotton candy sugar rushes ;)

Tiffany McAlister said...

I should mention that as I was telling this story to Cody, I called half time "intermission". He laughed, and laughed...and said, "See? We're theatre people!" True, true. Here's hopin' (for Lee's sake, anyway...!) that some of my kids also keep their love of sports, too!