Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas...Part 2!

Because we were up so early, and because we were the first one's visited in the morning, this is the first year we have had time to just enjoy presents before dashing off to someone elses house! It was nice to take an hour to absorb the fun! (Or, if you are Lee, to take a nap!)

Then it was time to drive to Mom and Dad McAlister's house. Mom makes a yummy breakfast quiche that we can't miss! Also, some Rhodes cinnamon rolls and orange rolls...Yum!! We ate breakfast and hung out there for about an hour. (We got to see what the cute Wright girls got for Christmas!) Then we loaded back up and headed to Mom Crabb's house. (And if I sound sleep deprived, you should ask the Crabbs how much sleep they all got Christmas Eve! You'll laugh right out loud!) Grandma always gives the kids such fun stuff! The girls always get these great "to do" things that match...quilts that you knot together, how to make friendship bracelet kits...always among the first things opened the next day! Crabb's were a little obsessed with the world of Zhu-Zhu/Kung Zu this year...even I got one, complete with motorcycle and side car AND a baby hamster! I also got the coziest blanket in the whole world...I love it! :D There were remote control cars for the boys and a pillow pet for Michael. Spencer may have gotten the coolest thing. It's a "Build it yourself" playhouse, made out of foam that the kids get to "saw" and hammer nails into themselves. I'm so excited to open it and check it out! (I'm stalling a little until spring...I think he'd have more fun with it outside!) After presents at Crabb's, it's time for all the food in the world! We all go hang out in the kitchen while Jennie and Shawn do most of the work! :D But we keep them company well! It was great just to relax and visit. I feel like when I spend time with them, it's usually at some event (concert or a show!) so we don't get to visit like I'd like to! I had a good time.

We were there for several hours, then we loaded up the car and headed over to McAlister's again. (This time, the Richins were there, too...Oh, what cute girls!) We went down to open presents. Mom and Dad gave all their kids Cuisinart Ice Cream machines...complete with ice cream mix! We've used ours four times already, and we love it! It mixes the ice cream, and then you get to choose your "mix-ins" and it adds them as it dispenses! Awesome! The kids all got an outfit each, plus a couple of toys...Spencer got a ripstick, Michael got laser tag remote control cars, the girls both got gift cards so they could go shopping, and Tory got finger skateboards.

We are just all so grateful for the generosity of all those that we love! I know that we are lucky to have what we terms of jobs, money, but also in terms of how lucky we are to belong to such loving families. We know if we need anything, we just need to ask...It's really a blessing to know that. We love you guys!

Hope everyone else had as great a Christmas as we did! Hooray, 2011!!

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