Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Growin' Up

Today Sydney had her "Big Girl" shots! (Her selfish mom got something in the mail offering me a $50 gift card if I took her within 4 months of her birthday...and all I have to do is let the doctor stab my kid? Count me in! (I guess I should buy her a little something, too!)) She needed them for middle school anyway, but that is MONTHS away!

Some "Words of Wisdom" from the 12-year-old:

"Today I took a sharp pencil and stabbed myself to see how it was going to feel."

"Dang! Everyone's going to think I picked these out...I said I was going to get dinosaurs." (In reference to her Tweety band-aids)

As I was talking to the doctor as she plotted Syd's growth on the chart (She is in the 5th percentile for height...teeny little thing!) Syd was rambling (something related to the "Megan-envy" she goes through when we talk about how short she is!) while we talked, and we weren't all the way listening to her. Then all of a sudden we both hear her rant out the word "breast" really loud, and we stopped talking and turned to look at her, just LAUGHING...she was totally embarrassed! Hilarious. Wish I had THAT moment recorded!

She was the bravest I've ever seen her at shot time! Not a single tear when they stabbed her. Great job, Syd! :D


Kelly Jean said...

Haha, atta girl - she knows what word to say to get peoples' attention ;)

Rhoda said...

I can just imagine! hahah Was it doctor V?

Tiffany McAlister said...

Yep...It was. And she turns to Sydney (after the laughter died down!) and says, "So Sydney, you want to talk about your breasts?". Hee-hee! That girl turned an even darker shade of red! :D

Anonymous said...

Growing up is sometimes hard...we do love that Sydney was so brave with her shots, but hope she wasn't too traumatized by her breast comments. Bet she felt like crawling in a hole. We love her being so cute and dainty, but next year it will probably change. Boo Hoo