Thursday, January 27, 2011

And It Made Me Think...

I watched the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" again the other day, with Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. Several of their movies are on my frequent "re-watch" list (A Knight's Tale, Save the Last Dance, The Prince and Me...) so finding a frequent re-watcher they are BOTH in is totally a treat!

Anyway...There's a scene in the middle where she is mad at him, so to win her back he makes a huge romantic gesture, singing to her from the loudspeaker of the football field while she's practicing soccer. He even enlists the marching band...He sings to her from the bleachers, dancing, being silly, and belting, "I love you baby, and if it's quite alright I need you baby..." until she is smiling, and laughing. Truly a great, romantic, melting moment...makes me want one of my own, where the "prince" sweeps me off my feet...

Then I remember:

...The other night, while I was at work, Lee and the kids had Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner. They also got a Cinnamon Wheel (cause why else would you go there?) dessert pizza. And when I got home from work, sitting on a little plate in the fridge was a slice for me to have today...saved by MY prince. (Sydney told me he was pretty adamant about saving it, wasn't even leftovers...He saved it on purpose!)

...And we found a pulled pork sandwich recipe we wanted to try, and I told Lee I'd make it this week, but instead, he spent time Saturday and Sunday making it, so all I would have to do is re-warm the crock pot on Monday.

...And he stopped and put gas in "my" car so I wouldn't have to.

...Can you hear it? ("I love you baby...") I guess if I'm listening I get those moments all the time!


Kelly Jean said...

Ahhh! I love it, I love it, I love it. Real-time "prince" moments are the best moments :) So cute!!

Katy said...

Tiff, this might quite possibly be the cutest post I have ever read! I am not kidding! I hope you don't mind, but I showed my parents because I thought it was so cute! (They loved it too by the way!) So cute!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I'm blushing.