Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Snake in the Grass...

No, really.

I was mowing yesterday, and as I was going along the back fence (it borders the field/mountain) I thought I saw a mouse darting to the side of the mower. Then suddenly, jumping/climbing/slinking up the fence TOWARD me was a 2 foot long snake. I, yelled...I'm not really a screamer...just a yeller. Then, using my ninja swiftness I jumped back, careful to keep that swiftly turning mower blade between me and the snake. It slithered off along the fence and into the neighbor's yard. Then every time I came back down the yard to that neighbor's fence, I found myself checking behind me REALLY carefully, to make sure he didn't try to come back for an encore.

So maybe this will help eliminate the tarantula problem from last year...Question is: Would I rather have snakes, or big spiders?

Mmm...Tough call.


Kelly Jean said...

Bah!!! I would've freaked! I don't know which is worse....... the wiggly snake or freakishly fast spider... hard to say, hard to say. The fact that you can step on / smack a spider ups my courage in that department... but they still give me goosebumps and make me squeal. Eegsh. Good thing you're tough!

Steph H said...

We saw a snake in our yard the other day too! Yech! Ours is probably because of the tall weeds he can hide in while we're still trying to get the sprinkler trenches filled in so we can mow over there. But either way, I hate creepy things in my yard!