Sunday, September 26, 2010

I was at work last night and had this exchange with a customer:

Him: "Is that gray in your hair natural, or do you dye it?"

Me: "Nope. It's all natural...and has been going gray since high school."

Him: "Cause the rest of you doesn't look that old."

Whew. Just my HAIR looks old.



Kelly Jean said...

Hahaha. Ow OW! Well hey, if it's hair or face/body looking old, I'd take hair. But please - you don't even look old. Because you're not :)

Steph H said...

Are you kidding? Who asks that? And more importantly, who fake dyes their hair gray? Oh, people. You handle life with such a good sense of humor!

Kendra said...

Hahaha! What?!?! Yes sir, I dye my hair gray because it's my favorite color...

Sydney said...

HA HA,Oldy!!!!!!!!