Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween, Part One!

Today was the Halloween parade at the school. We had to get all dressed up for the beginning of school, and I dropped off my little costumed cuties at the school, parked, and walked in with Michael to watch the parade.

(This is where GOOD mom's would post pictures of their kids walking through the parade...You know, the kind of mom who actually REMEMBERED to take a camera to the school? (Ah, well. I remembered all five kids...Points for that?) I will be sure to take pictures of them tomorrow, and I'll put those on here for all to see!)

Sydney wore my favorite costume from when I was a kid...She was a fat clown! Megan went with Astrid (she's the heroine from How To Train Your Dragon!), Tory was a motocross racer, Spencer was IronMan, and Michael was a Dragon (from How To Train Your Dragon).

There was this really cute boy, maybe 2-2 1/2 years old dressed as a pirate. I mean, curly Capt. Hook type dark wig, big 3-corner hat, ruffle at the neck, velvety pants with matching coat...His parents had even drawn on the little curly-cue mustache, and arched eyebrows! (See? Bad mom...I'm not so sad I didn't take pictures of MY kids...I'm sad I missed a picture of THAT kid...!)

Then after dinner we "carved" out some time to carve pumpkins. It's one of my favorite Halloween traditions. I help take the guts out of all the pumpkins, then I encourage all of my kids to draw the face they'd like on their pumpkin. Then one at a time, Lee takes each design and pumpkin and tries his best to create their design on the pumpkin! Some efforts, total success...Others, not so much. (Especially if the 6-year-old doesn't want only two teeth, but the others accidentally come out...And then he's SUPER mad at dad!) It's really fun to see the creativity of both parties involved...the kids AND the dad!

Here's to more Halloween fun tomorrow!


Rhoda said...

You'll have to post the jack-o-lantern pictures too! We hand our kids a piece of paper and they have to design the pumkin face and have it approved by dad. Dad points out places that won't work...then no matter what they draw on the pumpkin mom and dad cut out something close to the design...but usually bigger. Josh got to cut out his own pumpkin today (with help) he is pretty proud of it!

Kelly Jean said...

Ohh, how FUN!!! Don't you love Halloween? I'm actually kinda sad it's over! A whole weekend dedicated to dressing up and eating delicious food (or candy)... what could be better?!

Kelly Jean said...

PS - I love that your favorite costume was a fat clown, hahah. Why not?? :)

Steph H said...

Can I join the bad mother club since I'm reading your blog instead of attending to the fussy baby on the floor? (ps I agree--let's see pictures!)