Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crib Notes...

For the longest time, over a year now, this is what you see when you walk into my room:

This is the crib/bedding we bought when we had Tyler for that short 6-week stay. Now here it sits. It does serve several useful purposes, though. Sometimes, it holds the dry cleaning. And it's a great place to put the new clothes Dad got for his birthday, that he hasn't tried on yet, so I can't iron them and put them away.

You can see the blanket and teddy bear that my niece, Brinkley, uses when she comes over on Mondays. Curtain rods for the day when I might actually finish Spencer's room and HANG his curtains...

So it's time to do SOMETHING about this catch all crib in my room! Should we dismantle it and take it to the DI? List it on and see if we can make a few dollars?

Both seem like a lot of work to me. I know!...I'll just have another baby, so I can use it again! :D Yep...That's right. FIVE kids just isn't enough for us. We're having another! Only 9 weeks along, we've got a long way to go, but we are all so excited! The kids can't wait, and frankly, neither can I!

Wish us luck, though...SIX kids?!


Kelly Jean said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) SO happy & squealishly excited for you, Tiff!!!! :) CONGRATS!

Steph H said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray!!!!! I was so excited when I found out (what a fun way to announce it too! who wants to go through all that work to take down the crib and try to sell it? baby is a MUCH easier option!). How fun that (even though you have five others) we'll still have some kids that are near the same age. I'm so happy!

Rhoda said...

Michael was so cute yesterday, I mentioned that he needed to practice being patient with Rusty because so he could be patient with his (little brother..yes I know I guess I think it's a boy!!) He looked up at me and smiled because apparently I KNEW about the baby! You can tell he is SO excited! Congrats. If anyone can do six kids (and do it well) it's you guys! Congrat's -- congrats! I'm so glad you finally announced it in the digital world..cause you know it's not official until it enters cyberspace!

Anonymous said...

It's about time you let everybody know the good news.
We can't wait for the new addition to the clan.
Love, Mom & Dad