Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More spring fun

Wow...Not even a whole week and then I start skipping days! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised!

While out browsing the yard last night, we noticed some of our trees didn't survive the winter. Sad! But Lee planted our new splash of color and they look fabulous! A few pink and yellow flowered bushes/plants. Also, if you like your kids to go to bed at 8:00 but it's summer so it is still a little light outside so they are out playing with neighbors, DON'T call them in and tell them it's bedtime in front of said friends, because it might REALLY embarrass your oldest daughter! I'm just saying...!


Kelly Jean said...

Haha, I love Sydney! What a cutie. :)

Rhoda said...

You should sign up for twitter and follow Uncle Tim. He would get a kick out of this post...this is the stuff he writes all the time! Oh and don't get to worried if you skip a day or a week, that is expected when life happens. Although do you want to know my trick? Spend a few HOURS blogging sever posts and then post-date them to go live every couple of days for the rest of the month! NO kidding...people actually think I spend more time on my blog than I reall do!

Kendra said...

How funny! She is such a goober!