Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend's a-coming

Don't you just hate laundry? I do. I'm just saying...not fun. I like clean stuff to wear though, so I persist. :D Also spent part of the day de-grossing the bathrooms...! Eww. So tonight we have a family night planned...We're having some hot dogs (We are truly a gourmet family...!) and watching "Avatar". I haven't seen it yet. So tune in tomorrow to read my in-depth review.*

*Please note that said critic is a TERRIBLE movie reviewer because she likes only bother to tune in if you want to hear the nice things she'll have to say about almost every movie she sees! (Yeah...Easily entertained.)

1 comment:

Kelly Jean said...

Ahhh... I'm interested in this review. I gave my review a while ago (if you're interested - after you see it - go to we can compare notes). :)