Monday, September 12, 2011

State Fair!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday the Crabb clan (minus Cody, as he is most decidedly out of the country...!) visited the State Fair!  Our very generous matriarch (Thanks, Mom!!) paid for all our admissions, and even bought enough ride tickets that the kids could each pick a couple of rides to go on!  (Probably the best State Fair visit ever for our kids!...We never fork over enough money for TICKETS!!)  First stop was the Butter Cow.  We always stop there to take a look at my aunt Debbie's latest brilliant work of art.  After the butter cow, we stopped over in the art building to see the talent shared there.  Amazing stuff...Visual art is not a gift I have.  I love seeing others share it!  We set some of the kids off on rides, and then the BLACK cloud that was threatening unleashed itself on us.  It POURED!

Dilemma:  What to do...Do we head toward the exit, or just wait it our for a little while and hope it stops?  That decision was made easier by the fact that waiting under our little awning kept us a little dry, whereas running for the car would have definitely soaked us.

We meandered through the livestock barns.  We admired the chickens for FAR longer than we would have under normal circumstances...and arrived in the sheep/goat building just in time for the "grand finale" as they crowned the winner because of a more desirable slant to it's rump.  (Snicker!)

By then the rain had let up, so we wandered back out to let the kids use up the rest of the tickets.  (While also sampling, I might add, the deep fried Oreos, deep fried Twinkies, and some funnel cakes!  Before you think us gluttons, I'd like to assure you that we passed on the BACON-wrapped, deep fried Twinkie.  Even I have my limits.)  

We went back to grandma's house to enjoy some yummy chicken salad (thoughtfully prepared by her neighbor, who always takes pity on my mother who "doesn't do food!), chips, and fruit salad.  Then we watched the kids put on a little show (always!) and did a little karaoke before we had some dessert and went home for the night.  

Thanks, Mom, for a fun day full of family!


Kelly Jean said...

SO FUN!!! I love the part where you "admired the chickens for FAR longer" than you normally would've., wait, you DON'T love lingering around chickens for long periods at a time?! Haha ;)

I also love that your mom "doesn't do food." haha :) :) LOVE YOU GUYS!

Steph H said...

Amen to Kelly's comment! Sounds so fun. I know each of us have our own family circles, but because we're all bigger family sometimes I read things and think, "Fun! I want to be wherever the Crabbs are!!" Maybe next year we should all go to the fair on the same day.