Friday, September 9, 2011

Wrap up the week...

August 3-6, 2011

As lame as it is, this is where my record keeping go sketchy!  I was having so much fun I forgot to write down all the stuff we did!  We spent some time at the pool with the Crabbs, we rode bikes, and even went on a hike!  Lee took these fun cloud pictures of the storm that was rolling in just before dinner.

Shawn had to work all week, so he couldn't come up until Friday night.  But like I said, Rhoda was so brave and came up with her 4 kids on Wednesday to hang out!  It was great to have her!  We all kept laughing at how Spencer and Michael think of Rusty as this itty bitty baby, and they talk to him with their squeaky, high-pitched voices.  Too funny!  They brought up a Smurfs DVD, and we broke one of our trailer rules and let them all watch a movie right in the middle of the day.  Usually, that's only allowed in the morning, or at night...but the SMURFS...?  How do you say no the that?!

Friday morning, we got some streamers out and Rhoda decorated the front of the tent for Shawn.  We had steak and baked taters for dinner (I'm not sure if it's Shawn's favorite, but it is for sure one of MY favorites!) and then had s'mores.  The kids did a couple of skits...Always fun to watch the creativity of those silly little ones!

(Clockwise from L:  Rhoda, Rusty, Wes, Shawn, Spencer, Me, Lee, Josh, Mily, Megan,
Tory, and Michael.  Sydney is back from girls camp, but she's taking the picture!)

(This is Sydney, the night she came back from girls camp.  She rebuked us all for lighting fires the wrong way (aka: using lighter fluid...Gasp!) and proclaimed it was HER turn to show us how it's done.  This is her (flashing gang signs?) behind HER beautifully built fire!)

(Shawn and Megan...The kids were having fun looking at
pictures I took in the dark with my flash...)

(Tory and Sydney)

(See what I mean?  They would pose in the dark, (like Syd!) and
then run over to see if I got the "pose" in my shot.)

(Sydney knocking Tory's chair over during the "dark" spell...)

(Sydney celebrating, because she knocked Tory over...)

(Tory with Josh...Josh brushing his teeth at the fire...!)

All in all, the St. George/Camping extravaganza was a delight!  We had so much fun, hanging out with cousins!  We hated to come back...back to work, back to getting ready for school, but we love the memories this trip created.

Here's to more camping fun NEXT summer...since we're about at the end of our camping weekends.


Steph H said...

How fun that your two families go camping together! I bet your kids LOVE camping with their cousins! Why didn't we ever do this as kids? I feel kind of jipped that we never once did any cousin vacations.

Kelly Jean said...

You guys are so fun!! And I know -- post-vacation is always the worst. But glad you made some good memories!

I love those storm pictures!!