Friday, September 30, 2011

Lacrosse...Game 2

The gentleman across the street coaches Youth Lacrosse.  He has twin boys about a year older than Tory, and since they moved in they've been trying to convince us to sign him up!  So we finally succumbed to the pressure and did it.  He's been antsy to play SOMETHING for a while now, and he was leaning toward football which is super expensive.  (Really?  Can't we just stick with the community soccer?  $45 and you get a cool shirt, fancy socks, and a rockin' trophy at the end! What's not to like?)

Well, guess what...So is Lacrosse!  A small fortune later, Tory is having the time of his life playing Lacrosse with his team.  He's had two games now, and he's been really busy for the last couple of weeks (between "Pinocchio", homework, and Lacrosse, he can barely stop to breathe!), but things should get a little easier on him now that his show is over.

Here he is heading onto the field.  (We have to watch for the orange tongue of his shoes...With all those boys on the field all geared up they look kinda the same!)

He has jersey number 3!

Coach Doug says that it's tradition in Lacrosse to give each player a nickname and then put it on their helmet.  He name Tory "Goose", which he doesn't really get.  But we think Doug must be a "Top Gun" fan!  There is also a "Showtime" and a "Hollywood" on the team!

I'm really excited to see what comes of this fun new talent.  Tory is so athletic, he loves all sports and usually just picks them up like a champ!  (The only flaw I see is that they play when it's COLD...For now the games have been in good weather...But I'm not looking forward to that changing!)

Good luck to a fun season!

1 comment:

Kelly Jean said...

Alright!! Sooo... I should probably get his autograph NOW, is what I'm gathering... :)