Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Animal Report!

Spencer had to do a kindergarten research paper on an animal of their choosing. (I'm using the term "research" pretty loosely...there were like 5 questions he had to answer.) Today was the day to get up and give the oral presentation. He was fantastic. "The animal I choosed is a fish. They live in the ocean or in fish tanks at your house. They eat fish food, other fish, and plants. Something interesting about my animal is that they use their tail to help them swim." We made a fish mobile and took baggies full of sweedish fish to share with the class.

Sydney, in 5th grade, has to do an ACTUAL research paper for the history fair later this week. Her topic is Pearl Harbor. I'm excited...she's done some really great work on it!


Rhoda said...

The best kind of report is when you end them with Sweedish fish! Awesome.

Is Syndey's report an Oral report or written? I'm a big history buff I'd love to read/hear it!

Tiffany McAlister said...

Syd's report is both, actually. Friday the 5th grade is having a history fair. They decorate their booth/desk with information and pictures about their topic and other kids walk through and read about them. Then next week, each kid gets up in front of their class to give an oral presentation. Should be awesome! :D

Pollyanna said...

Wow--wish her luck for me! Sounds tough--glad I'm done with fifth grade... :)

Kelly Jean said...

Cute. And fun! I just went to Pearl Harbor! Well, briefly went... but I would've picked up something from the souvenir shop if I'd known she was doing a research paper! Need me to go back? :)