Sunday, June 13, 2010


So maybe you decide to go on a date with your hubby on a Saturday night. You pick up a couple of pizzas, leave your responsible 11-year-old in charge, (with a pretty long list of emergency numbers, just in case!) and you head out.

(BTW, we saw the movie "Killers" and it was great! Funny to me AND Lee...! Then we went to Olive Garden...Yum!)

So after this fun, relaxing date, you walk into the house and find:

  1. Some of your kids tried to mop...or flood the kitchen, I'm not super sure which one was the goal!
  2. There was only ONE sled in the house at the bottom of the stairs. (I blame this on Lee and Anna...Genetics...the only difference was that Anna and Lee used a laundry basket instead of a sled!)
  3. The kids used the copier/printer to try to make copies of some photographs
  4. And spent who knows how long in here trying to "crack" mom and dad's user password so they could play on the computer while we were gone.

Good times! sigh. I guess next time we have to get a REAL sitter.


Anonymous said...

I think all married people need to do that at least 1-2 times per month...just to remember why it is they got married and had kids. Let me just say, my blood pressure was through the roof upon walking through the door, after just hitting an almost all time low while on the date. It was so nice getting away from the kids (who I REALLY DO love, by the way...). I sometimes think we have the worst behaved kids, ever. Time for a crackdown! They are not going to like me very much. No TV, at all. No leaving their rooms until after mom and dad come get them in the mornings. No playing outside unless mom and dad are out there with them...oh, they are REALLY going to hate me!

Kendra said...

Grumpy much? LOL! You know you would have taken the sled down the stairs too...I would!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! I remember the days of Anna & Lee. Be
careful with our grandkids, you weren't the
most perfect kids either. Kids will be kids.
Love, Dad

Tiffany McAlister said...

I'm pretty sure if I hopped on the sled and took a ride, I would go through the wall. Yeah. Pretty much through the wall, and into the piano.

I'll pass.

Kelly Jean said...

Haha, oh the joys of being a kid (and having cool parents). That's funny.

By the way, Tiff, I LOVE your new blog background! So cute!!