Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So tomorrow is a pretty big day for Megan and Tory. The 3rd graders are putting together a mini society for school this week. They voted on what to call their money, and they are each supposed to come up with something they can sell for tomorrow's day of business.

Mom and Dad can't spend more than $1 per week but don't have to spend anything.

Megan brings me her "import" form for school (parents have to approve whatever the kids bring...probably so you can't take your dad's wedding ring to school and sell it for fake money...but I digress...) and she has "Nail Polish" written on her form. She's apparently going to run a nail salon. (Luckily, for her birthday, Papa and Mama gave her a whole basket full of spa day kind of stuff, including many fabulous shades of nail polish!) Boy, is that teacher going to love me!

Tory's import form says "Rock Animals". He is going to make pet rocks! Hilarious! Too bad I don't have one of those cardboard dressers in my bedroom closet stuffed full of yarn, felt, feathers, pom-poms, sparkles, and pipe cleaners (just like MY mom did!).

We just have paint and eyes. Sorry, kiddo. Should have called Grandma Crabb.


Kelly Jean said...

Ohhh, I remember doing things like that in school. Those were the funnest days! And hey, I'll totally buy a pet rock from Tory - seems like it'd be pretty well-behaved... hopefully ;)

Steph H said...

Fun! I wanna play!!