Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cursed Teeth

Just got back from the dentist. Don't you hate when you have a crown right on your front tooth from a freak log-swing accident at girl's camp many years ago, and your acid spit erodes the glue holding that crown on until it just falls out?

I do. Good thing my mom-in-law works at the dentist and can squeeze me in (thankyouthankyouthankyou!). I teach Relief Society on Sunday, and I needed that crown to be in place.

Without it, in Spencer's words, I "look like a mean witch."


Pollyanna said...

Can you call it a "freak" accident when you're trying to play lumberjack at girl's camp? Does anyone try to play Paul Bunyan "accidentally"? Stop trying to cover up--it was Babe's fault, and everyone knows it...

Tiffany McAlister said...

Um...I said freak LOG SWING accident...Not "ax swinging" accident.

Darn that big blue ox...
